discount carpets in OrrellFor top-quality discount carpets in Orrell, pay us a visit. We believe that you’ll get the carpet you want at an incredible price that you won’t get anywhere else. First established in 1967, we have continued to provide our excellent services, products and great prices to all our customers. We offer a huge range of quality carpets, rugs and flooring at excellent prices to our domestic and commercial clients. We are proud of our hard-earned reputation, and we are now regarded as the largest and most well-respected flooring business in the Wigan area. Our team will provide the highest quality and standards at rock bottom prices.

For any room in your home in Orrell, discount carpets are a must. Discount doesn’t mean poor quality, on the contrary, it means that you will get a top-quality carpet at a great price. If you are uncertain about the best type of carpet for your home, speak to our expert team. We will also measure and fit your new carpet. Our measuring and fitting service is carried out to the highest standard by fully trained staff.  The reason our prices are so good is that we work with a large number of manufacturers and wholesalers. This ensures that you will find the perfect carpet for your home. It also means that you will receive the benefit of great savings. We will assist you every step of the way, from choosing your carpet, installation and great service.

Discount carpets in Orrell are best purchased from a highly regarded flooring company. For more details about our discount carpets, contact The Carpet Place today. We have more than 50 years in the carpet and flooring industry, and our experience and industry knowledge can help you when you are choosing your new discount carpets. Whatever your budget, lifestyle or taste, we can guarantee that you will be able to find your dream carpet. You can choose from a large range of different styles and brands.  Let us help you fit the perfect carpet for your home at the perfect price!